Here’s How I Take Modafinil, YMMV!

Of course you want to know how to take Modafinil! If your doctor (ha, ha!) hasn’t told you, the usual dosage is one pill in the morning, daily. That has worked just fine for me for several years, and for millions of other Modafinil users around the world.

I take my daily dose first thing in the morning, with a coffee to wash it down. Many people swear by bulletproof/keto coffee as recommended by Biohacker Dave Asprey, The Bulletproof Exec who was one of the earliest proponents of Modafinil use for productivity and study. I do sometimes make a nice keto coffee , because I follow the keto diet.  I make mine the vegan way, personal choice, no moralizing. If anyone’s interested, it’s just a strong shot of coffee blended with a couple of big dollops of coconut manna. Add a drizzle of MCT oil, and sugar-free salted caramel sweetener. It’s breakfast in a cup! But,the Modafinil is the real star and keeps my energy levels steady right through the day and into the evening, coffee or no coffee.

I honestly wouldn’t recommend anything other than taking it just like any other pill. Treat it with respect! If you are one of those people who has been prescribed Modafinil by a physician, then they will tell you the same thing; take it first thing in the morning (or on waking for your shirt work). Remember you can get Modafinil and Armodafinil without a prescription, anytime, from our safe-list of sellers to buy modafinil from. It’s gonna be cheaper than you’ll find it anywhere else, and at least a third of the cost of laughable USA pharmacy prices if you live in the USA.

I have heard of some brave souls getting fancy with their pills, and blending them into pre-workout shakes, and all kinds of things but people, please. This is not on the same level as an addictive street drug! Modafinil is safe, non-addictive and incredible useful and you don’t need to know anything complicated. It’s simple to take Modafinil; how you take any of your other one-dose supplements.