Never email me all-caps shit like this again, seriously.  I did say I’d answer every question though, so here goes 🙂 I *think* this is a question inquiring about where one can find Provigil coupons.  There isn’t such a thing, at least not from a reputable seller.  But please, chase down those COUPONS if you want to end up with BEST PRICES on some not-Modafinil shit drug 🙂

For the rest of you, all my approved sellers offer hefty discounts on GENUINE Modafinil(Provigil, whatever you know it as), and have very reasonable prices.  If you are able to pay using altcoin, this seller, ModafinilXL is your best option for the biggest savings.  If you want to buy big and and want a great deal you might prefer to go with one of the vendors on our modafinil reviews page.

All our vendors offer various generous discounts, and it depends on your own needs and purchasing power really, when it comes to which one comes out cheapest for you.  You can get around 30% off when you pay with altcoins at any one of my top 3 on the leaderboard, while others have a minimum 10% off for return customers and reviews, or discounts on bulk orders.  It’s up to you to look and see which one works for your budget and payment method.  There are discounts for all, whether you buy using CC/Debit or even if you want to buy 10-pill sample packs. Figure it out 🙂

If you want a little more help figuring out how to get the most bang for your buck, I can do that.  Sign up for my (new) newsletter (yes even if you previously did).  Every so often I will email you with a heads up on new discounts from sellers.  I’ll let you know about semi-annual sales where you can usually get your drugs for $0.48 a dose or even less.  I promise not to spam you, because I don’t got time for that myself.  I’m not some loser, so no, I won’t sell your info to a third party.  I’ll just let you know a decent deal, that you will want to take advantage of.  Whenever I hear of one from my bunch of good-guy sellers,  I’ll pass it on.  Okay? Okay!

Stay safe, buy smart, and watch out for scammers offering Provigil coupons, because if I haven’t heard of them, they don’t exist.

And for a comprehensive list of the best places to purchase modafinil online, see our homepage!